1920's Slang Terms
Absolutely: Yes
All Wet: Bad Idea or Individual
And How: I Agree
Applesauce: Expletive, Nonsense, foolishness
Babe/Baby: Sweetheart
Bangtails: Racing horses
Bean-shooter: Gun
Be on the nut: Out of Money
Beat One's Gums: Talk About Nothing
Beef: Having an issue
Bee's Knees: You are the best
Behind the Eight Ball: In a difficult spot
Bent Cars: Stolen vehicles
Berries: Like bee's knees, used to describe something as very good
Big Cheese: An important person, a leader
Big One or Big Sleep: Death
Bit: Jail Term
Blow One Down: Murder someone
Bluenose: A prude or puritanical person
Bo: Pal, friend
Boob: Dumb Person
Boozehound: Drunkard
Bootleg: Illegal alcohol
Bop: Murder Someone
Broad: A Lady
Bruno: A Rough and Tough Man
Bum Rush: To be Thrown Out
Bump Guns: To waste time talking about something
Bump Off: Murder Someone
Button Man: Assassin
Butt Me: Give me a Cigarette
Butts: Cigarettes
Buzzer: Cop's Badge
C: One Hundred Dollar Bill
Cabbage: Cash
Cake-Eater: A ladies' man
Can: Prison
Can-Opener: Someone who opens or cracks a safe
Carry a Torch: To have a crush on someone
Cat: Man
Cat's Meow: Something Really Fashionable / Cool
Cat's Pajamas: You are Super Awesome
Cheaters: Shades, Eyeglasses
Chew: Eat
Chicago Lightening: Gun Fire
Chicago Overcoat: Coffin
Clam: A Dollar
Clammed: Doesn't Speak
Clubhouse: Police Station
Cooler: Prison or Jail
Copper: Police
Croak: To Murder Someone
Cut Down: Murdered
Daddy: A Young Girl's Lover
Dame: Woman
Dance: To be Hanged
Dewdropper: A lazy person
Dingus: Thing
Dish: Pretty Lady
Dive: A Cheap, Dirty Place
Dogs: Feet
Doll: A Pretty Lady
Doll Dizzy: Crazy about women
Drum: Speakeasy
Dry Up: Get Lost
Duck Soup: Easy, Piece of Cake, Something easy to do
Egg: A person who lives the big life
Fire Extinguisher: Chaperone
Flat Tire: A Dull Person, A boring or disappointing date
Flapper: A young, rebellious woman known for her bold fashion and attitudes
Fry: To be Electrocuted
Gams: Legs
Gasper: Cigarette
Gat: Gun
Get Sore: Get Angry
Getaway Sticks: Legs
Giggle Water: Alcoholic beverage, Liquor
Glad Rags: Fancy Clothing
Gold Digger: A woman who pursues men for their money
Grifter: Con Artist
Gumshoe: Detective
Hard Boiled: Tough, strong
Harlem Sunset: Fatal Injury by Knife
Hatchet Men: Assassins
Have the Bees: To be Wealthy
Heater: Gun
Heebie-Jeebies: The jitters
High-Hat: To Snub, be Snotty
High Pillow: Boss
Hinky: Suspicious
Hoofer: Dancer
Horsefeathers: Expletive
Hoosegow: Jail
Hotsy-Totsy: Perfect, the best, Pleasing
Ice: Diamonds
Iron One's Shoelaces: To excuse oneself for the restroom
Jake: Okay, fine
Jalopy: An old car
Jazz: Music style, also used to describe something lively
Joint: A place, could be an establishment of any sort, Place
Juice Joint: Speakeasy
Keen: Attractive or appealing
Kiss: Punch
Kisser: Mouth
Knock Off: To Murder
Lammed Off: Escaped
Lead: Bullets
Looker: Pretty Lady
Made: Recognized
Mark: Victim of a Swindle
Moll: A Gangster's Girl, Girlfriend of a gangster
Nerts: An exclamation of disdain or disbelief
Newsie: News Reporter
On the Lam: Fleeing from the police
Oyster Fruit: Pearl Necklace
Paw: Hand
Peepers: Eyes
Pinch: Arrest, Capture, To arrest
Pushover: A person easily convinced or seduced, A Push Over
Rags: Clothes
Razz: Make Fun Of
Real McCoy: The real thing, genuine
Ritzy: Luxurious
Sap: Dumb Person
Scram: Leave quickly
Scratch: Cash
Sheba/Sheik: A woman with sex appeal/a man with sex appeal, A woman/man with sex appeal
Skidoo: To leave quickly or be forced to move on
Slug: Bullet
Speakeasy: A hidden bar or nightclub where alcohol was sold illegally during Prohibition, An illicit liquor store or nightclub, Illegal bar that serves bootlegged liquor
Spill: Talk, i.e., spill the beans
Square: Honest
Swell: Cool
Swanky: Fashionable or luxurious
Torpedo: Hired Gun
Upchuck: To vomit
Weak Sister: A Push Over
You Slay Me: You're Hilarious