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Murder Behind the Mirror

An indiscriminate group has received invitations to a mysterious affair called the Nevermore Gala. All anybody knows is that it will be an unforgettable bash behind the mystifying Mirror of Daebub. One of Manhattan’s elite recently purchased this ancient relic at an exclusive art auction. Nobody knows the reason, but the tycoon had second thoughts about his purchase and sold the magical mirror to an unknown buyer in the town of Nevermore – over two thousand miles away.  You’ve received an invitation to this cryptic social event of the year. Will you have the nerve to take a step into the mirror and face what lurks behind?  This is where your story begins.

need a prop for your character?
(ask your host if you don't know what you need.)

Guest List



Owner, Moonlight Winery

Amity Razak owns and operates the Moonlight Winery – a local hangout and world-famous vineyard in Nevermore. A trinket hoarder who always pushes cheap souvenirs on drunken customers in the winery’s gift shop, Amity is a notorious cheapskate. This business owner is quite chatty, over-caffeinated, and rarely seen without a coffee mug in hand.

Following a late-night incident, Amity received a letter of banishment from the hot spot in town - The Grave. Amity has been highly disgruntled lately since this nightclub is the place to be. It has placed many anti-customer signs around the winery's gift shop about 'stealing' the sample cookies and loitering without purchasing anything.  Amity expects the winery's gift shop customers to make hasty decisions on which cheap souvenirs to buy.

Suggested attire: glamorous party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 



Owner, The Grave

J.D. Bellmead owns the most popular hot spot in town – a nightclub called The Grave. Even though this entrepreneur makes a living utilizing the social scene, J.D. is a homebody who rarely leaves the house and says no to nearly everything.  J.D. defends that the reason for the isolation and self-induced loneliness is a childhood case of post-traumatic stress disorder from being lost in a cornfield for a week as a child.

J.D. has agreed to attend the Nevermore Gala, but sources close to J.D. say it is because J.D. might be looking to sell The Grave and might want to mingle with potential buyers. The gossip mill has peeped rumors that J.D. might have come into a big sum of money recently—albeit unscrupulous bigmouths at the bank might have been the source of the rumor. Nevertheless, people have speculated that J.D. might want to leave Nevermore for early retirement.

Suggested attire: trendy cocktail party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 



Manager, Titanic Expo

An infamous pool shark to the locals of Nevermore, Beckley Winsor is nothing short of a con artist when it comes to running scams on unsuspecting innocent people. Beckley is home-based in Nevermore but journeys across the country with the Titanic Expo – a traveling exhibition of artifacts from the Titanic. With a lifelong dream of owning a local haunted house, Beckley does whatever it takes for extra cash.

Beckley recently fractured an ankle after a horrible boating accident. Beckley and North, who are partners in the haunted house venture, were enjoying partnership bonding time during a Black River fishing excursion when Beckley was tossed from the boat during an encounter with a small area of rushing water and rocks in the river. Beckley is currently on short-term disability and will not travel with the Titanic Expo until the ankle is healed. Beckley is scheduled to get the cast off the day of the Nevermore Gala, so Beckley turned in an RSVP and accepted the invitation.

Suggested attire: trendy cocktail party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 



Billboard Salesperson

North Stevens is an aggressive billboard advertisement salesperson. The billboards on the main highway through town continually change and become more technologically savvy. North is highly persuasive and could sell an ad to a retiree on vacation. He is a lover of the dramatic and lives to give bad news to others.

North grew up in Nevermore and has many lifelong friends in town. However, North has become more aggressive with time, and many people in town have complained about how unpleasant North can be—especially when s/he is pushing billboard ads on people who clearly do not need them. In the last few months, wildfires have burned down billboards on the main highway. Some say this might be retaliation for North's aggressive behavior. The authorities have investigated and concluded the fires were just nature's wrath.

Suggested attire: trendy cocktail party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 



Truck Driver

Surrey Grainger is a long-distance truck driver who calls the town of Nevermore home.  Surrey is conditioned to be perched high above the road in the truck and often climbs on surfaces to get higher than others while indoors. A constant skin scratcher, Surrey has a quirk of repeating everything twice. This long-hauler often frequents local storage auctions and buys abandoned junk in hopes of getting on a popular reality show.

Surrey lives beyond ordinary means for a truck driver, as this long-hauler drives a Mercedes Benz and dines at only the best restaurants in town. Surrey spares no expense and surrounds him/herself in the best that life offers. Many wonder about the key to Surrey's secret financial success.

Suggested attire: casual cocktail party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 



Owner, Nevermore Laundromat

You’d never believe that a dreaded laundry center could be a well-liked hangout in town. Still, Danny Hackberry has added so many bells and whistles to the Nevermore Laundromat that even the local teens spend hours hanging around the whirring washer and dryers after school. Danny is a peculiar person with eyes regularly affixed to the ceiling. This trendy business owner is also an antique collector and is a frequent patron of the local auction house.

At the last auction in town, Danny got into a skirmish over an American Gothic House replica painting with a local tycoon - Roxy Rich. Ms. Rich was never seen nor heard from again. Her mansion staff members are all looking for new jobs, as there's nobody there to write payroll checks. Since Roxy didn't have any friends in town, as she was a nasty ole bat who had killed her late husbands for their money, the police haven't opened a missing person investigation.

Suggested attire: casual cocktail party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 



Philosophy Professor

Holland Herman is a tenured professor in the Philosophy Department at Darton University – a celebrated Ivy League institution in Nevermore. Holland is best known for a never-ending gaze directly into the eyes during debates about the most abstract topics imaginable. With every sentence ending in ‘you see,’ Holland might prove to be mentally exhausting during long conversations. Words of caution – do not engage in the fatiguing debate about the definition of a chair, or you will regret every hour of the discussion.

Holland was recently banned from the most popular hangout in town, The Grave. Professor Herman is baffled by the reasons why this happened. Last week, a small protest was formed by students from Darton University—mostly kids from the philosophy department who are enrolled in one of Holland's courses.

Suggested attire: conservative cocktail party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 



Tour Guide, Black Raven River

Eleven Stillhouse is a staple for social events in town. If Eleven’s not planning the event, you can bet Eleven is the first name on the guest list.  Deathly afraid of birds, Eleven walks with an umbrella while outdoors.  Eleven runs a tour business on the Black Raven River that runs through the town of Nevermore.  This tour guide still reminisces about high school achievements and questions what could have been if different decisions had been made in the past.

Two weeks ago, there was an incident during one of Eleven's tours on the Black River. Eleven nearly capsized the boat after a raven landed on the boat's steering wheel, and the vessel rammed into a large boulder on the edge of the river. Luckily, a guest of the tour, a former fishing boat captain, saved the day and finished the tour while Eleven crawled into the life jacket box until the boat was docked. The townies are speculating that Eleven is only a river tour guide as a cover - but for what? 

Suggested attire: casual cocktail party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 



Sandwich Artist

This hardworking sandwich artist currently works for the fast-food chain Subs R Us but strives to become the top food fashion designer for Wine, Food, & Mood Magazine. A perfectionist, Ashley Hollow refuses to pass up photo opportunities of appealing culinary creations and has accumulated a massive social media following by posting mouthwatering photographs daily. Ashley avoids music of all genres, as even the happiest tune can bring about tears and sadness.

Ashley hangs around a sordid group of individuals, most of whom are associated with petty crimes. Many are modern-day Goths and dress in black from head to toe. Ashley, on the other hand, appears normal on the surface. However, those who double-cross Ashley never seem to be the same again.

Suggested attire: casual cocktail party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 




A constant fidgeter who is often soaked in sweat, Marlin Bander will not look others in the eyes. Marlin is a personal banker at the Bank of Nevermore and has been under internal affairs investigation five times in the last two years.  Marlin has a sweet tooth and will even knock the elderly and children out of the way to get a cupcake. The gossip mills have been buzzing with news of how Marlin disappeared for nearly a week but returned as if nothing had happened. It is curious what Marlin did during this time, but Marlin claims not to remember.

Whatever happened to Marlin during those five days has changed him/her. Marlin doesn't seem like the same sweet soul as before. Many wonder if Marlin hooked up with the wrong sort of people who might have given Marlin medication to induce amnesia.  Alas, the gossip-mongers in Nevermore all have vivid imaginations.

Suggested attire: conservative cocktail party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 




Diesel King is a spine-chilling gravedigger at Black Heart Cemetery in the center of town.  A constant lip licker, Diesel lurks in the shadows and hardly speaks a word to anyone.  Nobody knows Diesel’s background or where Diesel moved from two years ago. However, when one does engage in a chat with Diesel, they are typically blown away by the level of intelligence and knowledge of this gravedigger. 

On the other hand, Diesel is void of emotion and has the personality of a tumbleweed—always moving but dry as heck. Something doesn't add up with this genius cemetery worker, but nobody in town can seem to crack the mystery.

Suggested attire: casual cocktail party attire with a Gothic twist. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 



Manager, Nevermore Fitness

Hardin Shanklin is the first at any social event to suggest doing the hokey pokey – even if it is a formal affair for adults.  Hardin usually wears sleeveless attire to show off highly toned muscles and flexes while watching to see if others are watching the ‘gun show.’  A super judgmental person when it comes to fitness, Hardin’s only topics of conversation are workout routines, nutrition, and gym attire.

Hardin is trustworthy to close friends and is always there if someone needs a strong shoulder to lean on. Hardin would give the workout clothes off his/her back for anyone in need - as long as they agree to a fitness plan.

Suggested attire: trendy cocktail party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 



Owner, Nevermore Pets

River Ringler is one of the most notorious names in the animal rights arena. A professed vegan, River frequently attempts to stage protests about anything related to animals.  However, as a pet store owner, River is quite the hypocrite, as River not only breeds animals for sale but also wears leather, ivory, wool, and crocodile-skin boots.  River consumes eggs and dairy but defends the items that do not come directly from the flesh, so it is not harmful to animals.

River owns a pet store but calls it a rescue - even though breeders sell animals directly to River.  Nevermore Pets has been in the news for pet scandals over ten times in the last year, but River attributes the negative exposure to animal haters trying to bring River down.

Suggested attire: casual cocktail party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 



Defense Attorney

Temple McDonald is a famous criminal defense attorney who has worked on high-profile murder cases in the past. The last famous homicide case lasted a decade and was featured as a documentary that detailed Temple’s nervous breakdown on camera. This feeble lawyer crumbled under pressure and moved to Nevermore for a more comfortable life six months ago.  Temple doesn’t do well in stressful situations and blames others for everything that goes wrong.

The town of Nevermore has an unusually high murder rate per capita, and Temple defends most of the suspects on trial. Most of the cases (~90%) end with the suspect's acquittal. Temple knows exactly what evidence - or lack thereof - will get the defendant from behind the bench.

Suggested attire: conservative cocktail party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 




Luby Holiday has worked at the Nevermore Supermarket since high school.  Luby worked the way up the corporate ladder steps and was recently promoted to store manager. However, this authoritarian grocer has allowed the newfound power to feed an insatiable ego.  Luby boasts about having a padded bank account and spends an extreme amount on cosmetic procedures to look as fake as possible. With hairpieces, a spray tan, porcelain crowns, and lip fillers, Luby has anything but natural good looks. 

Residents of Nevermore often complain about Luby's rudeness while they shop at the market—particularly in the evening. However, Luby defends that a lack of sleep combined with severe irritation about the conditions of the store at night has left this grocer in a perpetual grouchy state.

Suggested attire: casual cocktail party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 



U.S. Marshal

A jokester who turns serious in an instant, you will never know when Parker Corwin is being sincere or playing around. Parker isn’t the best with words and will always say the wrong things at inopportune times. This law enforcer, a U.S. Marshal based in Nevermore, has captured four of the top ten fugitives in the last year. Parker also oversees the Nevermore Federal Witness Protection Program. Locals speculate who in town is a participant of WITSEC and are continually pointing accusatory fingers at each other.

A humanitarian, Parker often volunteers at soup kitchens and animal shelters. People can't help but wonder if Parker does all of these philanthropic things to hide something, make secret amends for wrongdoings, or genuinely be a good person.

Suggested attire: casual cocktail party attire. Add a U.S. Marshal's badge if you desire (optional).  Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 



Bus Driver

Vic Epperson is a shy bus driver for Nevermore School System who has an unhealthy obsession with eating green gelatin. Always seen smacking a wad of gum, this driver doesn’t like to interact with the children passengers but preferably uses a hand puppet to give instructions and dole out reprimands.

Vic has a family of raccoons as pets and has received many warnings and citations from the HOA, city, and state for having the animals housed in Vic's residence. Maybe this is why law enforcement doesn't take Vic's repeated reports of suspicious people lingering in the neighborhood seriously.  Many people in town also do not care for Vic because this grumpy driver isn't the most tolerant or pleasant when it comes to kids.

Suggested attire: casual cocktail party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 



State Wildlife Officer

A longtime wildlife officer for the state, Dallas Horton is stationed in the dismal town of Nevermore. Dallas sneezes when nervous and has terrible grammar – both written and spoken. Dreadfully afraid of houseflies, Dallas’s eyes shoot to all corners of the room while indoors. This paranoid behavior might be off-putting to some.

Dallas is extremely strict regarding state regulations. If Dallas catches wind of any violations concerning wildlife, you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.  Dallas also aspires to be a detective one day and is already working on a potential case.

Suggested attire: casual cocktail party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 



Clerk, Motor Six Motel

Mongo Love is the obnoxious night clerk at the Motor Six Motel – a seedy spot for weary travelers off the main highway through town. Mongo claims to be an underground computer hacker but has never taken a computer science class and doesn’t associate with established hackers. Mongo collects coins and stamps, but the collected works consist of duplicated modern pieces - so it’s not much of a collection.

Mongo claims to have hacked into many networks in the town of Nevermore and beyond, but nobody in town takes Mongo seriously.

Suggested attire: casual cocktail party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 




Typically overdressed for any occasion, Apple Knight always complains that it’s too hot. A self-proclaimed fashion guru, Apple speaks most thoughts aloud and can be quite offensive. However, some people speculate Apple might be talking to imaginary friends. Apple is a bartender at the Raven’s Den, a 24-hour dive bar on the outskirts of town notorious for shady dealings.

Apple has petitioned the city on multiple occasions to shut down The Grave for various reasons. However, all of Apple's efforts to date have been ignored. Many people believe Apple doesn't care about the drop in business at the Raven's Den when the competing nightclub opens its doors.

Suggested attire: casual cocktail party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 



Funeral Director

With a sad face and even more grim eyes, Redd England is the morbid funeral director at Dye & Hollabach Funeral Home. A notorious party killer, Redd is a real downer at social events, as Redd can only focus on the negative aspects of life. With a condescending tipped-up chin, Redd stares blankly for long periods and awkwardly draws out words.

The funeral home was recently burglarized, and the safe and a few caskets were stolen. Redd and the parlor staff have been working diligently to find the right camera footage or other evidence of who the burglar(s) might be.

Suggested attire: Gothic cocktail party attire (all black). Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 



TV Evangelist

Meridian Moody dropped out of school in the 8th grade and was arrested over ten times as a teen for theft, disturbing the peace, and other petty crimes.  This television evangelist is an adult who plays with toys on YouTube when not healing people by slapping them in the face. Meridian hosts the local cable channel show Trust the Faith and claims to be able to cure even the most severe ailments with a smack in the mug. Most townies agree that assault charges should be filed instead of praise for false hopes.

Meridian is facing a couple of lawsuits from people who have claimed the 'healing slap' did not cure their medical condition but instead caused facial nerve damage.  Meridian is usually seen with an entourage of bodyguards, production crew members, and personal assistants.

Suggested attire: flashy, over-the-top cocktail party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 



Construction Manager

Callan Shelton is a construction manager for a one-star builder called Shade Tree Homebuilders. This builder's appearance never changes, like a walking portrait with disheveled hair, a dirt-smudged face, and the same clothes. Nevertheless, Callan pretends to be a member of an exclusive league of socialites in town. Rumors have flown about the town of Nevermore that Callan might be the only member of this elite club.

Callan is currently consulting local attorneys to see if anyone will take on a few cases of home buyers hiring a different contractor at the mid-way point of constructing their homes. However, nobody has been willing to take on the case - probably because they are among Callan's population of disgruntled clients.

Suggested attire: casual cocktail party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 



Lab Tech

Continually sketching the environment, Bordan Blevins can get lost in thought easily. Bordan’s a lab tech for Who’s Your Daddy, a controversial paternity testing facility. Don’t invite this tech to the dance floor unless you’re ready to see the most terrible dance moves you’ve ever seen. Bordan also has half of a wardrobe of pleather creations and claims they are fancy clothes.

Bordan often travels with a tight-knit group of coworkers. The lab techs at Who's Your Daddy are like family and are hardly ever separated.

Suggested attire: casual cocktail party attire. Your host may notify you of an optional character-specific prop to bring with you, as well. 

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