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Skull Manor Murder Mystery

It is time again for the annual Skull Manor Costume Ball! Skull Manor is an old estate in the heart of Spider City known for its captivating architecture, mysterious ambiance, and unspeakable history. The townspeople have been scurrying about the streets to prepare for the big night of great food, inspiring conversations, and outrageous gossip. This has been a daunting year of dissension and discord among many of the residents of Spider City. Rumors of blackmail, thievery, and scandalous controversies have been circulating throughout the town’s grapevines. We all hope everybody can put aside their differences for a night of fun. If not, there may be misfortune on the horizon. This is where your story begins.

Guest List



Hat Designer

The Crazy Hatter is a world-renowned hat designer known for eccentric fashion pieces and for being the source of spilled secrets in Spider City. This unconventional hat maker has mastered the art of eavesdropping, so if you have skeletons in your cupboard, it is best not to breathe a word of them.

This talented hatter has powerful worldwide connections. After a few viral videos circulated on social media about a decade ago, The Crazy Hatter catapulted to fame by becoming the go-to designer for celebrity hats. 

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): A Mad Hatter costume, a large hat, and a velvet suit. A red wig and crazy makeup with a cane are optional accessories.




Lane Croft is one of the most interesting people you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. Lane travels the world in search of ancient artifacts and hidden treasures. With enraged foes around the globe, Lane is forced to live in a secret location in Spider City.

Lane will travel solo to distant lands in search of the most precious relics and artifacts. Lane prefers to go alone, as this adventurer doesn't like splitting any profits Rumor has it that Lane is highly-skilled at martial arts and might have had to fight other treasure hunters on occasion. Who knew that archaeology could be that dangerous of a profession? 

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Adventurer attire with a large toy gun or bow & arrow.



Horse Groomer

Sam Stables is an obnoxious horse groomer at Spider City Downs, the home of the Pumpkin Cup Thoroughbred Horse Races. This caretaker is currently under investigation for scandals that have happened recently at the track, and the Spider City rumor mill reports Sam may not have a job for long!

Sam has undergone a string of bad luck lately. From car accidents to sabotages at the horse track, this caretaker is getting it from all directions.. Maybe if Sam had a better attitude, things would change for the better?

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Ranch hand/western costume.



Archery Instructor

Kai Evergreen is a boisterous archery instructor from Mississippi. Kai speaks with a charming Southern accent and follows Southern hospitality rules. However, Kai has a hidden dark side, so avoid enraging Kai at all costs.

Unfortunately, about a year and a half ago, events beyond Kai's control led to accusations of poisoning half the town with tainted brownies at a bake sale. This incident likely contributed to a significant drop in Kai's number of students. Kai argues that it was impossible for half the town to be poisoned, as only 300 brownies were sold and the town has far more than 600 residents. The news reporter who covered the story may have exaggerated. Additionally, after the recent archery competition, Kai might be considering a new career.

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): An archer costume, with a toy bow and arrow as a prop.



Pop Star

Katy’s super-stardom has afforded her never-ending cash flow and high-level connections, but she cannot stay out of the trash tabloids to save her life! Katy is uber-famous for her talent, but her recent troubles have darkened her reputation.

The tabloids recently unveiled her lavish, million-dollar wedding for her two Goldendoodles and snapped unflattering photos of her asleep on the beach in a mermaid costume with ketchup on her cheek from her half-eaten bucket of French fries. Her last viral video filmed by a fan was of an argument between her and Theodora Jones, another pop star, at a trendy restaurant in Beverly Hills. They were arguing over who gave a dirty look first.  Katy, come on. It's time to start acting normal in public!  

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Very trendy pop star attire.



Amusement Park Character

Ella Frost is employed as a character actress at Dark Shadow Amusement Park. She plays the role of a fairy tale ice princess named Emma—and hopes to one day use her acting skills to make it to the Hollywood big screen.

Ella claims to be a method actress, and once she is in her character of the ice princess, there is no speaking to Ella. Many park-goers have noticed how good of an actress she has become, and have encouraged her to use her talents for something bigger than a Spider City amusement park. She really wants to take a jab at the Hollywood scene, but hasn't been able to garner the courage to quit her job and move out there. 

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Ice princess costume.



Vigilante - Villain

Harlequin is an enigma to most people of Spider City. On one hand, she has been seen fighting crime on the streets at night. Others report that she is the criminal mastermind of the underground. Nonetheless, she doesn’t have a day job but can afford expensive things.

Harlequin has been spotted (and filmed) doing heroic acts lately, such as saving the innocent citizens of Spider City from the criminals lurking on the streets. Many influential people in town are starting to believe that Harlequin might just be a superhero - just like from the comic books. But Harlequin adamantly denies being a hero. Is it because she is humbled and shy and doesn't wish to have any attention for her good deeds? Only time will tell.  

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Harley Quinn costume, theatrical makeup, and a crazy wig of any kind.



Cupcake Chef, Betty Archer Cupcakes

Betty Archer is a talented cupcake chef. She made her television debut on Cooking Network’s Cupcake Battles, where she placed a disappointing second. However, Betty doesn’t take the blame for her loss.

Betty's wealthy parents own the Archer Performance Center in town, where all of the large events are hosted in town, such as symphony orchestras, ballet performances, comedy troupes, award shows, and concerts. Rumor has it that there have been problems with some events lately that have caused events to have to be canceled. Betty used to work at the performance center, but ever since she became a semi-famous cupcake chef and opened a bakery in Spider City (Betty Archer Cupcakes), her cupcake career has taken off. It doesn't look like Betty will ever go back to working for her parents. 

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Quirky 1950s attire or a cupcake costume or a chef's uniform.



National Football League Cheerleader

Mitzi Minx is genuinely fun to be around because she was born for comedy. During the NFL off-season, she’s a knee-slapping amateur comedian. She's ready to put her pompoms away and become a professional standup, but she hasn’t mustered the courage.

Mitzi has been dealing a lot of hate online when she posts video clips of her comedy act. She started off taking her turn on the stage during amateur nights at the local comedy club, The Laugh Shack. She quickly became the crowd favorite, so the manager gave her a shot at opening for the famous comics who came to town. That is when the social media hate commenced. It does seem to be from one account, for the most part. Also, this troll appears to be a Spider City local. Mitzi wants nothing more than to find out the identity of this cyberbully.

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Cheerleader costume - you can pick the team you wish to be on - it doesn't matter. You can also make one up, if you wish, such as the Spider City Outlaws, or Spider City Vipers . Optional: bring some jokes with you to perform for others – why not?



Movie Memorabilia Collector

Dark Vadon makes a living as a movie memorabilia collector and auctioneer. Dark is known for wearing head-to-toe movie costumes, and some find this behavior to be quite strange. Dark is very blunt and to the point, but most people find this off-putting.

Many people, especially the locals who go to the weekly auctions of movie and television memorabilia, believe that Dark might actually be a very famous celebrity who is living in Spider City anonymously. How else would someone have access to all this memorabilia? Well, it could be fake or bought on another online auction site, but the locals of Spider City love the mystery and intrigue involved with going to the Dark Auction House.

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Darth Vader costume or any other movie costume.



Viking Tough Runs, Founder / Coordinator

Darby founded the Viking Tough Runs—a 5-mile obstacle course that challenges racers with mud, barbed wire, heights, and small spaces. Darby’s races are definitely not for the weak of heart. Darby is hosting the annual Viking Tough Run race in Spider City that will be held the day after the Skull Manor Costume Ball.  It will have all the usual obstacles - mud pits, climbing walls, barbed sire crawl, rope swings, balance beams over slime, and a few tunnel crawls. 

Darby works most days of the year and doesn't have time for socializing or self care. This is starting to show in Darby's attitude, as this traveling business owner has been very stressed lately. That's why Darby decided to take a break and attend the costume ball. Darby also has asked the staff of the mud run to attend - but Darby thankfully didn't make it mandatory. They need a break!  

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): a Viking costume.



Lounge Singer

Victoria Glaminton is an insufferable lounge singer at the Witching Hour Lounge in Spider City.  Lacking manners and decorum, offensive words flow from her mouth like a full-blast fire hose. Victoria isn’t known for being friendly, so tread with caution around this diva.

​Victoria has her hopes and dreams set on moving to Hollywood and making it as a singer/songwriter. She has written some songs and created a demo tape, but she hasn't had the nerve to send it to anyone yet. This is primarily because of some local haters who have said terrible things about her singing voice. She hopes to one day be the opener's opener for Katy Starry's concert in Spider City and prove to everyone that she is talented. But who knows if that will ever happen. 

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Glamorous evening gown.



The hardworking staff of the Viking Tough Runs, 5-mile obstacle courses that challenge racers with mud, barbed wire, heights, and small spaces, are highly dedicated to their jobs and are a tight-knit group. Darby’s races are definitely not for the weak of heart.

Darby's staff are loyal and never miss work, which is fantastic for Darby.  But since this group only gets a handful of days off work per year, they are low on gas and  running out of steam. Nobody can sustain working that many days per year for too long! 

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): a Viking costume.


Mad Scientist

Dr. Druid was terminated from Telomere Tech University for performing illegal research on human subjects. The professor swiftly relocated to Spider City and rumor has it that the doc might be working out of a garage laboratory.

Dr. Druid claims that Telomere Tech University's administration simply didn't recognize how smart this research was, so they felt threatened and terminated the doc's employment. Currently, Dr. Druid works around the clock and is constantly trying to recruit test subjects for whatever is going on in that garage. 

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Mad scientist costume.



Crab Boat Captain

Cap’n Clause served as a deckhand on a family-owned boat as a salmon gillnetter as a teen. Now, the captain's one of the top crabbers in the Alaskan waters. Cap’n Clause is relentless and pushes the crew of The Crab Rave to work an exhausting amount of hours in extreme conditions.

Cap'n Clause, who grew up with the name Clue Clause, was one of the smartest people at Spider City High School Supposedly, this crabber was to be the Valedictorian of the senior class but got caught up in a scandal and lost the honor. The cap'n doesn't like talking about what happened. 

 Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Pirate captain costume.



Travelopagus  Spokesperson

Max Million is a spunky spokesperson for Travelopagus—the world’s largest online travel agency. Max Million is paid to travel and take fun pictures while vacationing in exotic locations. Some say Max Million has the sweetest gig on the planet, while others ridicule Max for having to wear a gnome costume everywhere.

Max is paid a six figure salary to travel to exotic destinations that everyone would want to visit, eat the best food there, see the amazing sights, and tour all of the attractions. Max has a job that makes most people envious.

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Gnome costume.



Clown for Hire

Clammy the Clown’s reputation as a performer has plummeted to oblivion with the residents of Spider City. Clammy is a party clown for hire who has been around for years, but recently, this clown's behavior has turned dark. Something’s not quite right in Clammy's head.

Recently, Clammy was hired for a kid's party and things didn't go well. Clammy is starting to believe the kids have started an internet trend to hire clowns for parties only to make embarrassing social media videos of them. Clammy is wanting to change careers, but is currently soul-searching.

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): A clown costume—make it as spooky as you wish.



Academy Award-Winning Actor

Orlando Depp is a snooty Academy Award-winning actor with childhood roots in Spider City. He loves to return to his hometown to escape the paparazzi—for some reason, the media doesn’t cross the town lines. Nonetheless, Orlando is demanding and acts as if everybody’s beneath him.

Orlando starred in the recent film Megatron. For some reason, this movie flopped on opening weekend, and nobody can pinpoint what happened. Orlando swears it was his costume design, but there was a lot more wrong with the film. 

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish):  Formal party attire. Bring a Sharpie marker in case people want autographs.




Dr. Buford Roid is the nerdy proctologist who takes his job very seriously. If you’re not into discussing the health of your backside, you may want to avoid this not-so-charming chap! The doc has good intentions, nonetheless.

Lately, Dr. Ruid's customers have lodged complaints about their office visit seeming like a nightclub atmosphere. The business next door to the proctology office has been playing obnoxious music at a very loud volume. Dr. Roid is losing both patience and patients. 

 Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): A lab coat and stethoscope as a prop. It is optional to bring a pair of examination gloves.



Pumpkin Patch Owner

Jack Jumpman is the creepy owner of the Spider City Pumpkin Patch.  Jack Jumpman has a habit of frightening the patch customers by jumping out at them. Unfortunately, there’s nowhere else to buy a Halloween pumpkin, so Jack Jumpman’s business is safe for now.

Rumor has it that someone has been shopping the land next to Jack's patch. Jack is very nervous about this, as there are many businesses that could detract from the pumpkin patch. Also, the worst case scenario would be to have someone open and competing pumpkin patch! Spider City is not big enough to support two pumpkin patches! 

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Pumpkin Head costume.



Owner, Merlin’s Beard Magic Shop

Magic, anyone? Merlin’s Beard Magic Shop is the one-stop shop for all of your magical needs - that is, if you have any.  Merlin Wiser is a super-friendly community leader who performs a weekly magic show at the Witching Hour Lounge—he’s a hit with the kids!

Someone has gotten ahold of many of Merlin's secrets and has posted them on social media. Merlin isn't too worried about it, as the kids who attend his shows aren't on social media. However, their parents are - and they are the ones responsible for buying their kids' tickets.  Merlin has been busy trying to come up with new and improved illusions for his show - that he will never share with anyone! 

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Wizard costume.



Teen Rebel

With both parents as loving physicians, Pee is a rebellious teen who combs the streets of Spider City every night looking for trouble. A teenage dropout, this nonconformist often ends up on the wrong side of the law. It’s only a matter of time before she lands behind bars.

But Pee isn't hardened nor is she a criminal. When push comes to shove, this tenderhearted chicken will flee the scene. Nobody really knows why Pee is rebelling, but it might be because her parents are too busy to give her the attention she needs. 

 Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Rebellious Gothic teenage attire such as torn tights, crazy wig,  thick makeup.



Pilot, Plumet Airlines

Plumet Airlines is known for taking in ‘unemployable’ pilots, and they do this so they can offer cheap tickets! Captain Ron Feldman is the not-so-serious pilot that loves to play jokes with his passengers during flights over the overhead system.

But Ron Feldman hasn't always worked for the cheapest airline. Ron had a lucrative job not long ago and because a passenger complained about one of his silly pranks, Ron was fired. He hasn't been the same ever since, but he does try to make the best of his rotten situation.

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Pilot costume .



Salesman, Jenk Alarms

Scotty Kay is the top salesman for Jenk Alarms, the number-one residential alarm company in Spider City. He is so smooth that he could sell an open can of red paint to a lady in white gloves.

Scotty has recently paid cash for a home in Spider City that many people were shocked that he could afford on an alarm salesman's salary. He must be selling tons of alarms! Or, maybe he's just made some clever investments? 

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Business casual attire.




Mo Plinker is the lead performer for Circus de Olay, an Australian-based theatrical company that presents awe-inspiring circus arts and street entertainment shows. Mo Plinker is a contortionist who can bend and contort in ways never seen by humankind. 

Mo leads a troupe of contortionist who are a tight-knit group who considers each other as family. They will fiercely defend each other and have a wolf pack mentality. 

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): A circus performer costume,  such as a sparkly unitard (for women) with theatrical face paint.



Circus de Olay

The Circus de Olay show is a traveling act by an Australian-based theatrical company that includes awe-inspiring circus arts and street entertainment.  The program includes many talented contortionists who treat each other as family.

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): A circus performer costume, such as a sparkly unitard (for women) with theatrical face paint.



Haunted House Actor

Brogan Meyers is well known for the ability to creep anybody out. Brogan is a haunted house actor at the Chamber of Screams in Spider City. Brogan is a method actor who takes the job very seriously and is always practicing the art of the scare.
Brogan recently received the news about an eccentric uncle passing away. Without warning, he had moved to Indonesia to become an octopus caretaker. Brogan was surprised to learn about a substantial inheritance check that will be arriving soon. This actor would love nothing more than to purchase The Chamber of Screams business, as the owner has been considering putting it up for sale.

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Scary costume of any kind such as a vampire, Frankenstein, etc.



Owner, Discount Donuts

Danny Flower is the unbearable owner of Discount Donuts. Every hour, Danny’s face is plastered across televisions in Spider City with one of many highly annoying Discount Donuts commercials. Danny sells donuts like they are used cars!

One of Danny's commercials features a donut superhero named Mighty Munchkin that saves breakfast from being boring - and yes, Danny plays the role of the hero donut. In another one, Danny plays all the parts of a donut rock band called Jam-Filled Jammers- but Danny is no musician and it shows. Needless to say, many townsfolk who are subjected to these corny commercials would love for them to stop plaguing the local TV stations. 

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Donut costume.



Gekko Insurance Voice Actor

Bryn Watson is the elegant spokesperson for Gekko Insurance. Everybody knows Bryn’s charming Australian-accented voice from the commercials, but nobody has seen Bryn in person. Who is the mysterious person behind the gecko?

Bryn recently relocated to Spider City because Gekko Insurance moved their headquarters there. While the CEO knows people in town, Bryn doesn't know anyone and hasn't made many friends yet. Eager to connect, Bryn has been exploring the town, but the hustle and bustle make it hard for people to stop and chat. Bryn was thrilled to learn about the costume ball at Skull Manor and is more than ready to meet some new friends. 

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Gekko costume.



Police Officer

Nat Dizzle is an overbearing police officer from the Spider City Police Department. Corrupt as they come, Nat is known for accepting bribes and working with the mob scene in the underground of Spider City.

Spider City townsfolk have circulated rumors that Nat is willing to take bribes if you need a spin on a police report or want to get out of a traffic ticket. Nat's behavior as a police officer is quite concerning, but if this cop's tied to the underground as suspected - there's nothing that anyone can do about it other than stay out of Nat's way.

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Police costume.



Flight Attendant, Plumet Airlines

Joy Diver is a cheerful flight attendant for Plumet Airlines. Rumor has it that this friendly flier once had a lucrative job for American Airways, but she defended a pilot who pranked the plane by claiming there was a snake in the cockpit.  Oops! Joy shouldn’t have stood up for him! Loyalty is definitely her downfall.

Joy is making the best out of a lousy situation, but the reality is catching up to her. She is starting to get angry about how and why she landed in the spot she's in - working for the cheapest, dirtiest, and most horrible airlines.

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Flight attendant costume.



Mother of Nonuplets

Miss Robinson is the stressed-out mother of 9-month-old nonuplets. She’s had her share of media coverage, as she has had to beg the community for help with her nine children. She swears the nine births were natural and had nothing to do with fertility drugs!

There are rumors circling the gossip mills that Miss Robinson might have used a fertility center to have her nine children on purpose. If this is true, her funds could dry up, as the Spider City citizens would lose a lot of sympathy for someone who planned in advance to have nine - or more - children at once without having the income to support them.  

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Mother/housewife costume. Optional to have nine baby dolls to carry around with you – if you are up for a challenge.



Waitress, Pinkie’s Diner

Flo Meller is a no-nonsense waitress at Pinkie’s Diner.  Flo doesn’t give second chances and will not deal with disrespectful customers. She has asked security to escort out a number of customers from the diner just for not saying please!

It's a good thing that the food is amazing at the diner, or Pinkie, the diner's owner,  might have run short on customers. Pinkie has received nonstop complaints about Flo lately, but hasn't so much as disciplined his head waitress.  It appears that Flo might have the ultimate job security - or, she just hasn't made the wrong person mad yet. Only time will tell. 

 Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): 1950’s style diner waitress costume.



Amusement Park Character

Angelica Deville is the wicked amusement character at the Dark Shadow Amusement Park. She plays the role of the Evil Queen, and she certainly fits the part. Some say she was a bully back in high school, and nothing has changed. She has it out for Ella Frost, who plays Emma the Ice Princess, and everybody knows it.

Recently, Angelica got into a skirmish with a customer at the park, and then was missing from work for two whole days. Nobody knows what happened and there were rumors initially that she had been fired. However, those rumors were untrue, as Angelica is back at work and more evil than ever. 

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Evil Queen costume.



Waitress, Otto’s Beer Garden

Gertrude Schmitz is the feisty waitress at Otto’s Beer Garden in the heart of Spider City. Gertrude is a fun-loving girl with a kind heart. However, her friends have been taking advantage of her because she is so nice, and her sweet demeanor has recently soured.

Gertrude's friends borrowed her car and were run off the road by an inconsiderate driver. Her friends didn't want to take responsibility, so they ran away from the scene of the accident before the police arrived. Gertrude is not happy with her 'friends,' and wants nothing more than to confront the driver who caused the accident and also left the scene.

 Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): German waitress or Oktoberfest costume.




Larry Laze is a slothful mailman who works for the Federal Post Office (FPO). If you are expecting an important package, you shouldn’t mail it via the post office, as there is only a slight chance he will deliver it to your door. But according to Larry, it is never his fault.

Larry blames the distribution center and they blame Larry. The supervisors have recently installed cameras at the distribution center, so Larry's days of blaming others are numbered if he is the one who is losing all the packages.

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Mailman costume.  Bring an optional pillow with you in case you want to take a quick nap.



Computer Tech, Apple Worm Computers

Poindexter Ramen is an insightful computer technician.  He manages the Prodigy Bar at the Apple Worm Computers store, and if you have a problem with your technological devices, he’s the one who will fix them! Poindexter is super-nerdy but quite helpful.

Poindexter just purchased a brand new Porsche sports car with cash and is considering the purchase of a new speed boat. Those closest to this computer genius say they don't know where Poindexter is getting the money to buy such luxurious items. 

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Nerd costume.



Founder, Citizens on Patrol

Bruce Kent is the heroic founder of Citizens on Patrol, a civilian-based crime-fighting organization in Spider City. Bruce asks that all members wear the superhero costume that best suits their personality. Since the organization began two weeks ago, crime has gone down in Spider City by 5%! 

Bruce is obsessed with finding out more about the Spider City Underground, a faction of criminals who try to run the town. He has a list of possible people who might be involved and has a good idea of who the crime boss might be. 

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Wear whatever superhero costume fits your personality and own it!



Bruce Kent founded Citizens on Patrol, a civilian-based crime—fighting organization in Spider City. Bruce asks that all members of the group wear the superhero costume that best fits their personality. Since the organization began two weeks ago, crime has gone down in Spider City by 5%! 

Suggested attire (but feel free to wear whatever you wish): Wear whatever superhero costume fits your personality and own it!


This book will totally get you hyped for Halloween!

Dive into this award-winning collection of YA horror short stories, Once Upon a Scare, by Dr. Bon Blossman, where the dark side of holidays comes alive with twists, turns, and psychological thrills. From Halloween reality shows to Christmas Eve horrors, these tales will keep you on the edge of your seat! Great gift for teens! 

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